Category Archives: INNER BEAUTY

Sheri Fink Selected for Cindy Crawford’s “Beauties Give Back” Campaign

Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty Beauties Give Back: Sheri Fink

The inspirational speaker, author, and entrepreneur’s story will benefit women everywhere and the non-profit Cancer and Careers

Inspirational speaker, best-selling author, and award-winning entrepreneur Sheri Fink is selected by supermodel Cindy Crawford to be featured in her Meaningful Beauty “Beauties Give Back” campaign as an “everyday woman who brings meaning to the lives of others in her own, extraordinary way.”

The campaign uplifts women through powerful and motivational messages and raises money for Cancer and Careers, a non-profit organization that assists and empowers cancer patients. Each time a Meaningful Beauty story is shared on social media, one dollar will be donated toward the cause.

“I’m beyond words,” says Sheri Fink. “I’m crying tears of joy. Giving back to women in a positive way is a mission I hold close and near to my heart. I hope that my story continues to inspire others to see the true beauty within themselves.”

heri’s definition of beauty is one that is applicable to everyone: “You are perfect just the way you are. It’s okay to be different. It’s not about chasing a number on a scale or conforming to someone else’s idea of beauty, it’s about honoring your unique self…It’s about determining what really matters, and making decisions that align with your vision for your life. That’s what makes us strong, builds our character, and determines our destiny.”

For more information on the Beauties Give Back campaign, and to share Sheri’s inspirational message, visit

Embracing the Beauty of Your Dreams (Despite Fear and Doubt)

Embracing the Beauty of Your Dreams (Despite Fear and Doubt)

Every now and then I’m invited to stretch my comfort zone by writing something new. When the amazing August McLaughlin asked me to contribute an inspirational article to her 2014 Beauty of a Woman BlogFest, I knew I had to rise to the occasion. My hope is that my story inspires you to believe in the beauty of your most precious dreams and to really go for what you want in life.

I am a hopeful romantic. I believe in love and chivalry and happily ever after. I have a voracious appetite for living an inspired life. I believe in following your heart and living your dreams. I crave passion, authenticity, beauty, connection, presence, fun, and adventure. Anything less than that is not for me. It took me awhile to realize it and I’ve decided not to apologize for being who I am or wanting what I want anymore.

Many times in my life I shared my dream for a love-filled, inspired life with family members, friends, and strangers. I was sometimes surprised to hear them tell me lots of reasons why my dream was unreasonable, unrealistic, or even impossible.

I fought for my dream by asserting how strongly I believed only to allow myself to be worn down by their negativity. I realize now that they probably didn’t want me to be disappointed. And, if they never experienced what I was looking for, they probably didn’t believe it was possible. If I did achieve my dream, what would that mean for them and what they’ve chosen to settle for in their lives? It was their fear speaking.

Without this new perspective, I felt resigned to live a life that was less than what I really wanted. I allowed seeds of doubt to be planted within me. When times got tough, I found myself nurturing those seeds instead of the ones I really wanted to grow. It became a habit to doubt myself, to question what my heart and soul wanted, and to look to others as the judge of what’s possible for me. This habit didn’t serve me or the world. It was downright depressing to give up on my dream.

I still find myself falling into that unhealthy pattern sometimes. I have to remind myself when I’m growing in a new direction and trying something new.

When I decide to go for what I want and really believe in it despite what the well-meaning naysayers say, I often have my wishes granted beyond my wildest dreams.

Our dreams are expressions of our inner beauty. I’ve learned that it’s completely okay to want whatever you want. No one else has to understand, agree, or give you permission to dream your unique vision for your life. (If you were waiting for permission, consider this your official invitation.)

It’s natural to experience fear and doubt when you’re really going for it in life. Growth beyond our comfort zones can feel shaky, unnatural, and even scary. However, just because you haven’t seen anyone else do it doesn’t mean it’s not possible for you.

Life is more fun and rewarding when you’re playing full out and not worrying so much. Amazing things come to us when we’re relaxed, having fun, and feeling appreciative. When I let go of all of my thoughts about how realistic my dream is and instead focus on how I’ll feel achieving it, my energy shifts back into the world of possibility and the magic starts to happen again (and it feels much better, too).

I understand that it can be difficult to chart your own path, but it’s completely worth it.

Here are a few strategies to help you along your journey:

  1. Visualize what you really want. Feel the effect of the super juicy dream as if it’s already come true.
  2. Stop nurturing the seeds of doubt. Focus on what you want instead.
  3. Nurture your new garden of dreams. Honor them by taking action toward them.
  4. Pull the weeds regularly. If a doubt appears, uproot it before it can expand. Don’t allow others to plant weeds in your garden.
  5. Enjoy the journey. Remember that seeing your dreams grow is part of the fun.

You may feel awkward at first. It’s okay to do the best you can. Embrace your vulnerability, acknowledge your feelings, and keep moving forward. Your dream life awaits! You will be so glad you had the vision, courage, and commitment to make it your reality.

Beauty of a Woman: Far Beyond a Pretty Face

Beauty of a Woman: Far Beyond a Pretty Face

When the amazing August McLaughlin asked me to contribute an inspirational article to her 2015 Beauty of a Woman BlogFest, I knew I had to rise to the occasion. My hope is that my contribution inspires you to look beyond the surface to see the true inner beauty of a woman, especially if that woman is you.

For me, the beauty of a woman isn’t the appearance of her body or the smoothness of her face. It’s the compassion in her heart, the authenticity in her voice, and the sparkle in her eyes. Her beauty comes from living her life in alignment with her values, from making a difference, and from inspiring and supporting others in achieving their dreams.

True beauty comes from a woman acknowledging her own needs, setting healthy boundaries, and going after her life ambitions with boldness and enthusiasm. Her beauty lies in embracing her uniqueness and shining her light while empowering others to shine as well.

A genuine beauty takes extraordinary care of herself and the people she loves. Her outward beauty is simply a reflection of her inner beauty, her good heart.

I feel very grateful to have shining examples of true feminine beauty in my life through amazing friends who are truly breathtaking from the inside out.

Thank you to my beautiful friends for embodying beauty and illuminating the world!

Cultivating Bliss: How I Went from Happy to Happiest (and You Can, Too!)

Cultivating Bliss: How I Went from Happy to Happiest (and You Can, Too!) by Sheri Fink

I have a confession to make: I’m the happiest I’ve ever felt in my life right now. I’m typically a pretty happy person naturally, but lately it’s been consistently off the charts and with a calm peacefulness that’s new for me.

I started to wonder what I’m doing differently. So, here’s what I discovered about cultivating bliss upon reflection:

I’m taking extraordinary care of myself.

I’m taking my own needs seriously and treating myself like I matter by prioritizing my self-care. That means I’m working out, meditating (most days), getting good sleep, taking dance lessons, spending time with people I love, and journaling each day. I’m using My Bliss Book to prioritize my day, aligning my actions with my biggest goals, and reflecting on my successes.

I’m intentionally making progress toward my dreams … daily.

I decided that this summer is my time to finish the first draft of my long-anticipated novel (finished the first draft a few weeks ago … Yay!), to really take care of my body (see point #1), and to exponentially grow my business. So, each day I take at least one action in each category. Even it if seems like a small thing at the time, by the end of the week, those actions really add up and I feel satisfaction from no longer delaying my dreams. Momentum is building and it’s exciting!

I’m setting healthy boundaries and being very selective about how and with whom I invest my time.

Our time and energy are the most precious gifts we can give someone. I no longer squander them with people who waste my time. When someone shows me who they really are and it makes me feel uncomfortable; I believe them, trust myself, and move on.

It felt awkward saying “no” at first, but it’s incredibly liberating and gets easier every time. And, if I see that someone is disrespecting my boundaries, I speak up. If I don’t like the outcome of that conversation, I say good-bye. No drama, no second-guessing, no attachment, and no sideshows necessary.

I’m eating carbs … daily and unapologetically.

While on my fitness journey, I tried a variety of strategies that were recommended to me. One that I was told would have amazing results to help me “lean out” was to go low-to-no carbs a few days a week. Well, I tried that for a while, but it made me feel crazy. Suddenly food became a big focus, I felt extra emotional and weak, had disrupted sleep almost every night, was very critical of myself and my body, and sometimes couldn’t complete my challenging workouts. It just didn’t feel good to me.

So, I started eating healthy carbs (oatmeal, pistachios, raisins, veggie burgers, green drinks, apples, sourdough bread, etc.) again and occasionally enjoying less-healthy carbs (pizza, french fries, wine, ice cream, etc.) in addition to lots of protein-rich foods (fish, eggs, whey, lentils, Greek yogurt, etc.) and healthy fats (like coconut oil, avocados, and olive oil).

The results? I feel energetic and emotionally balanced, I sleep through the night every night. I’m actually cooking homemade meals and enjoying my food more. I feel strong and positive about my body. I feel good dining with friends without the drama of what to eat. I’m 4 lbs. heavier than I was at my lowest weight, but who cares when you feel the best you’ve ever felt?!

I’m not sure why I ever wanted to look so “lean” when I’m naturally an hourglass-shaped woman. I’m extremely active and my body needs energy from real food sources. My body fat is a healthy 16%. I want to be fit, healthy, curvy, strong, and feminine … not to look like a little girl. I guess I just didn’t question what society has trained us to believe about skinnier being better … it’s not, at least not for my body.

Focusing so much on weighing less takes up valuable energy and attention that could be focused on being more. I’m happy to be taking care of my body and fulfilling it’s unique needs without allowing it to completely dominate my life and disrupt my well-being. I have a deeper respect and appreciation for my body and the life it enables me to live.

I’m spending time in environments that feel good to me.

My environments have always deeply affected me. Awhile back I lived in a space that I couldn’t write in. I don’t know why, but the words would never flow onto the page while I was there. I had to seek outside environments to express myself through my writing. That became very burdensome as it’s difficult for me to write in bustling environments like coffee shops and restaurants. My attention wandered, people came over and talked with me, and I ended up not accomplishing very much despite my best efforts.

That all changed when I moved into a new place with more space, lots of light, and blissful quiet. I chose only to keep the things that are useful, beautiful, or bring me joy. It was a tough and time-consuming decision process, but worth the purge because now I’m surrounded only by beauty.

My environment energizes me in a whole new way. I’m writing all the time and the words flow beautifully. I don’t know why I waited so long to make a change that positively impacts my productivity every day. I love being and creating in my inspiring new space!

I’m giving zero attention to what I don’t want / don’t like.

When I have a negative thought, I no longer analyze it wondering where it came from, what it means, why I’m having it, etc. Instead, I just let it go. This one change has transformed my ability to focus on what I want to accomplish. I’m finding that we move a lot faster toward our dreams when we’re not constantly questioning ourselves.

Thoughts are just thoughts until we energize them with attention and emotion. I’m choosing to give my time and energy to thoughts that empower me, help me achieve my goals, and make a bigger contribution in the world, and that’s making all the difference.

So there you have it, my list of realizations of what I’m doing that’s resulting in higher levels of joy, happiness, and fulfillment in my life. I hope that this list helps you explore adjustments that could enhance your life as well.